Clear and comprehensible

Qua lingua translates business, technical and marketing documents from French, English and Italian into Dutch. Not literal translations, but clear and comprehensible texts for the reader. In achieving this I consider style, spelling and grammar.

Qua lingua zet je vertalingen uit het Frans, Engels en Italiaans om naar aansprekend en begrijpelijk Nederlands - Emilie Goemaere

Technical documents

Technical documents can be manuals, safety regulations or product descriptions produced by various sectors: production, quality & safety, construction, installation, logistics and transport.

Marketing documents include all texts related to the promotion of your products or services such as your website, advertisements, social media … you name it. Here I look at the SEO to help your website achieve a high ranking in Google, using appropriate keywords and content.

Marketing documents

Business documents

I can also help you translate your company’s privacy policy, general terms and conditions or AVG regulations.

Looking for a quality translation?

Would you like a quote for the translation or revision of your document? Leave your details.